Boost your business practices with Tailored AI Solutions

This technology has the power to reshape every sector. To be a leader in your industry in five to ten years, you need to define your generative AI strategy now.

AI is Impacting every industry

At Elai Labs, we understand that each business is unique, and so are its challenges. Our tailored AI solutions are designed to address your specific needs and goals. By deeply analyzing your operations and industry context, we create customized AI models that seamlessly integrate with your existing systems. This personalized approach ensures that our solutions not only solve your immediate problems but also drive long-term growth and efficiency.

From enhancing customer experiences to optimizing internal processes, our bespoke AI solutions empower your business to harness the full potential of artificial intelligence. Let us help you turn data into actionable insights and unlock new opportunities for innovation.

Where can AI help my company?

Automated Call Center

Customer Satisfaction Reviews

Customer Segmentation

Demand Forecast

Financial Forecasting

Fraud Detection

Internal Knowledge Query (RAG)

Lifetime Value Forecasting

Marketing Channel Optimization

Predictive Maintenance

Product Recommendation

Recommendation Engine

Automated Call Center

Customer Satisfaction Reviews

Customer Segmentation

Demand Forecast

Financial Forecasting

Fraud Detection

Internal Knowledge Query (RAG)

Lifetime Value Forecasting

Marketing Channel Optimization

Predictive Maintenance

Product Recommendation

Recommendation Engine

Recommendation Engine

Product Recommendation

Predictive Maintenance

Marketing Channel Optimization

Lifetime Value Forecasting

Internal Knowledge Query (RAG)

Fraud Detection

Financial Forecasting

Demand Forecast

Customer Segmentation

Customer Satisfaction Reviews

Automated Call Center

Recommendation Engine

Product Recommendation

Predictive Maintenance

Marketing Channel Optimization

Lifetime Value Forecasting

Internal Knowledge Query (RAG)

Fraud Detection

Financial Forecasting

Demand Forecast

Customer Segmentation

Customer Satisfaction Reviews

Automated Call Center

Financial Forecasting

Predictive Maintenance

Customer Segmentation

Customer Satisfaction Reviews

Fraud Detection

Demand Forecast

Internal Knowledge Query (RAG)

Product Recommendation

Lifetime Value Forecasting

Automated Call Center

Marketing Channel Optimization

Recommendation Engine

Automated Call Center

Marketing Channel Optimization

Fraud Detection

Customer Satisfaction Reviews

Predictive Maintenance

Customer Segmentation

Internal Knowledge Query (RAG)

Demand Forecast

Financial Forecasting

Product Recommendation

Lifetime Value Forecasting

Recommendation Engine

Customer Segmentation

Financial Forecasting

Product Recommendation

Marketing Channel Optimization

Internal Knowledge Query (RAG)

Predictive Maintenance

Demand Forecast

Automated Call Center

Recommendation Engine

Lifetime Value Forecasting

Customer Satisfaction Reviews

Fraud Detection

Lifetime Value Forecasting

Recommendation Engine

Marketing Channel Optimization

Internal Knowledge Query (RAG)

Fraud Detection

Automated Call Center

Financial Forecasting

Product Recommendation

Customer Segmentation

Demand Forecast

Predictive Maintenance

Customer Satisfaction Reviews

Some of our Projects


Help an art auction house to better target potential buyers

  • Scraped government filing database and extract data from PDF to index market data
  • Created a ranking score to identify high potential buyers
  • Built hierarchical clustering algorithm (HDBSCAN) to provide a smart customer segmentation to marketing and sales departments
  • Built a recommendation engine to automatically reach out to potential buyers for a specific art sale


Help a marketplace to build short and long term lending products for illiquid asset

  • Entirely redesigned internal process including 5 different teams (restructure teams, reassign roles, build internal tools)
  • Created a multivariate underwriting model working for a large range of duration, asset types

Here's how we operates at

/Understand: Data Strategy Formation works closely with you to define a robust data strategy, identifying key data sources and ensuring data quality. This foundational step is essential for leveraging the full potential of your data, which is crucial for informed decision-making and driving innovation in your organization.

/Scope: Comprehensive AI Roadmap Development

Aligning with your business objectives and growth plans, we develop a detailed AI roadmap. This plan focuses on prioritizing projects with the highest potential impact, effectively allocating resources to maximize your return on investment.

/Implement: Bespoke Model Development and Integration

Our team specializes in building custom AI solutions from the ground up, tailored to your unique needs. We handle every step of the AI journey, from data preparation to model deployment, ensuring seamless integration with your business processes for optimal performance.

/Scale: Enhancing Scalability and Efficiency prioritizes building AI models with scalable architectures, ensuring they adapt to changing workloads and evolving business requirements. Our focus on scalability and computational efficiency guarantees that your AI investment remains agile and effective for the long run.

Discover how we applied our Tailored Solutions to actual business